Morama Cruising
The Fleet
The Boat
Our faithful travel mate from 2017 its is 13 metres long and can host maximum 9 people plus 2 crew members.
The Primatist 42 have a big sundek at bow with cuscions, a big confortable space at stern repared with awning and a big table where is possible to do lunch on board, and confortable sofa.
Furthermore, it have a wide swim platform with a ladder to facilitate the ascent from the water.
You can enjoy the boat with possibility of choise between two different services and you can find both of them in the section “our services”.

The rubber boats
Starting from the 2022 season, two beautiful modern and comfortable rubber boats have also been added to our fleet, equipped with a ladder for ascent from the water, large sundecks at the bow and comfortable seats at the stern, a shower with which it is possible to eliminate the saltiness after a swim in the salty waters of the Sardinian coast.
In the “our services” section you will find more information about the lease or rental of these two vehicles.
I gommoni
A partire dalla stagione 2022, sono stati aggiunti alla nostra flotta anche due bellissimi gommoni, moderni e confortevoli, dotati di scaletta di risalita dall’acqua, ampi prendisole a prua e comode sedute a poppa, una doccetta con cui è possibile eliminare la salsedine dopo una nuotata nelle acque salate della costa sarda.
Nella sezione “ i nostri servizi” troverete maggiori info riguardo alla locazione o il noleggio di questi due mezzi.